I have been feeling a bit better and think I am almost back to normal after that terrible sinus-goop-whatever issue I picked up on the way home from travels. However, I know that the continuing allergies are probably a lot due to the staggering amount of dust that my house collects.
To start with, living on a dirt road means that a thick layer of dust is inevitable, but I have to admit that giving up on 90% of housework sometime last year is mostly to blame. Cleaning is more of a challenge than it should be with a mess-load of... well... mess blocking up access to pretty much anything besides the kitchen.
The dust levels are getting to truly epic levels though, so I started considering some REAL spring cleaning. The kind that may require a 40 ft dumpster and maybe a new vacuum. So I started researching the best vacuum for containing dust (instead of just blowing it back around all the house). The odd thing is, not many reviews talk about how good a vacuum is for using the hose-tools to do dusting. They are strangely only about how well the thing vacuums the floors. Weird!
I found one vacuum that is supposed to never need filter changing, and that sounded pretty darn good. It is supposed to clean out all the dust and particles before even getting to the HEPA filter, then catches the last few particles before sending the air back into the room... and never clog or slow down suction while doing it. However, there is just something wrong about spending as much or more on a darn vacuum than I have spent on the majority of cars that I have owned over the years! Okay... that equally says something about the cars that I have owned and the horrifying price of this vacuum.
So I pulled out my old vacuum, cleaned out the sponge filter as well as I could, and even took a can-of-air and blew out as much as I could from its HEPA filter. And for about $15, I can order a new sponge filter and the HEPA filter. Yea, it still won't contain the dust half as good as the fancy new "Holey-expensiveness-batman!" vacuum, but at least I won't be trying to tell my Subaru Brat why I just bought a vacuum that cost more than it did.
And that brings me to the "Not great... but better." portion of the post. Since I thought that the 40mm fans as well as the light-bulbs I needed for a gotta-get-it-done-soon project were both somewhere in the office mess, it went to the top of my spring cleaning list.
Always terrible to find a to-do list from a last year and realize that almost nothing on it has gotten done since it was lost.
Here is the result of a days worth of solid cleaning time. Yea... that is why it is "Not great." But the piano is clean. Er.... yeah?
Sadly, I still haven't found the 40mm fans or the light bulbs. But I still have the other half of the office to go through.