I was concerned when the materials load for the shed arrived from Moore Lumber (Ace Hardware). Despite promises that they would send it in two smaller loads if needed to fit on a small truck… it arrived on one big truck.
Turned out for the best though, since the driver managed to bring the stacks up the driveway on the “donkey loader” and was able to set the stuff down on my pallets. The stacks had a couple little skids banded under them, but the pallets will keep them from bowing as much. Though there was a few tense moments with the heaviest stack of OSB. He had to stop and shift it into a lower gear and do a little rocking-re-start three times to get up the steep driveway.
And as good as all that is, it would be miserable if I had to re-stack everything in the right order. BUT… the stacks make perfect sense! Also one section was on top of the framing boards and the driver moved it off into its own stack because it is the trim boards that will go on last. Even the floor OSB is on top of all the wall OSB since I will need to get to that first, and the treated lumber is all on top of the framing studs and ready to go! Yay!
The driver also helped me move the two large skids to the trench area, and they are not as heavy as I feared, but having help move them sure saved some time and pain, too.
Gave the driver a small tip and he wasn’t expecting anything, so he seemed very pleased with the little bit.
I covered the insulation and siding stack and still need to go cover the OSB with some plastic, but luckily I have another couple plastic covers available. Good thing I moved out all the cars from the parking… it made for a nice drop-area and each stack will be easy to get to.
Of course now... the real work starts. 
I am so happy that everything got there in good shape and you don't have to rearrange everything before you start your build.
I know hubby is wishing he were there to lend a hand.
Is he ever going to come home?
Have fun as this is a huge project and has many parts and pieces to put together. Much more difficult than a puzzle but the same idea.