Over the last couple days I have gotten the trim all painted up (and done about half of the trim on the parking area shed done). So the exterior of my little workshop is basically done. There is things like installing a couple flood lights, painting the door, and contouring the landscape to replace the brick patio, but that can all be done later.
I have to admit that I think it is looking pretty darn good, and even the extra blocking I had to do at the top of the swing door is looking pretty spiffy.
  Today I also re-laid the bricks where the wood shed-let needs to go….. and my stupid crooked house wall got me again! You would think I would have learned by now to remember how crooked it is, but evidently not.
I planned the wood shed-let with a 1 1/2 inch plus 3/4 inch and a smidgen for the roofing. So total, just under 2 1/2 inches that it would sit out from the wall. Perfect room for the conduit for the electrical and no more, right?
EXCEPT the DAMN wall!
So while the roof is about a quarter inch from the wall, and therefore the base should be 2 ˝ inches from the wall… it isn’t.
The base is over 4 inches away from the wall because my house wall is sooo darn crooked, and I, yet again, totally forgot about that. Grrrrrr.
Not a single thing I can do about it now though. Errrrr.... unless I start hacking away the roof. Probably not a great idea. Also, I think I should have reduced the height and had it just under the trim for the sliding door instead of in line with the trim. I am not sure the little flood light me and dad planned to put in the upper left corner to shine on the grill will work with the shed-let roof being so tall. Also nothing I can do, so I guess I will have to learn to live with it.
Despite the set-backs though, I am really happy with how it turned out. From a little vision to a real thing...
There is still tons to do to the interior, but as soon as I finish the trim on the parking area shed, the "gotta get it done before it freezes" stuff will be out of the way. Then I will be able to take a break....... or start installing insulation, and walls, and electrical, and..........
We are in awe of all that you have done.
There are few to not very many who could or would have taken on such a large project by yourself.
You are our hero!