I named him "Mowzer". Picture of him in the double-kitty-heating-bed...... Cause my babies are not spoiled at all.
He will be staying in the utility room for a few days and won’t meet Ten until after that. I want him to have a fairly small area to get used to first without the added stress of Ten and a whole house to get lost in. So far Ten is absolutely ignoring the sounds of him mewing in the utility room and I put her big litter box next to the door for her. However, she looks very suspicious when I pet her and my hands smell of him.
He is already using the litter box… potty A+…. Trying to cover the potty he just did?…. Er… working on it. He isn’t sure how to direct the litter when he digs, so he stands and digs in front of him until his back legs are covered by about two inches of litter, but his body blocks the poo from getting covered. LOL… he definitely makes a big effort of it though, and even returns to cover it some more later if he doesn’t consider the job well enough done.
According to what the lady told us (and her information and pictures seem pretty reasonable), his father is 3/4 Maine Coon, and his mother is Siamese and Ragdoll. I don't think we could have found one closer in heritage to what I was hoping for! The mix should be large when grown, confident, laid-back, but also willing to be active..... So far he already shows that type of personality.
He actually was not the kitten that was left for sale when the lady contacted me, but the people who were going to buy him decided they didn't want him because his fur will be short or medium length not long like full Maine Coon, and I was hoping for medium or short fur so it works out very well.
I hope to train him to walk with me so we can both get a little exercise outside more, and do quite a bit of related training. It is a bigger task than training a dog. To start with… the attention span of a kitten is like that of a goldfish. He is smart, which helps in one way, but actually reduces his attention even more. It is going to be a whole lot of work, but hopefully worth it.
This morning’s training…. We worked on “come”, “no”, and “don’t stick your head into my coffee”.