And in the foothills of the Colorado Rockies, it "springs" with what should be an audible "KA-POW"!Two days ago this was the view looking right from our front porch. 
And now... 
Of course, the only noise is the change from hollow whistling wind to a rushing sound that is amazingly like the ocean tides as the aspen leaves catch, quake, and rustle in every breeze. While lower altitudes have already "sprung", they never seem to do it with quite the speed and accuracy of the mountain landscape. It is a sudden jolt to the system like being pulled awake from a deep sleep by a splash of cold water... if that water were scented with earth and green growing things and the beginning of everything new.
Oddly enough this is why I painted the master bedroom the light green of new growth. While the green-on-green-with-a-side-of-green may make some people shudder, it gives me that refreshing feeling every morning... Of Spring. Of the potential for new and wonderful things to grow in my life every day. So this spring, while nature is catching up to my bedroom, I have been moving forward on my long list of things I need to get done as much as I can every day. And those little green leaves on the trees have inspired me to embrace the newness to this season. Maybe I will learn something new, definitely build something new, and try to keep not just my life, but also my mind, open to new things, ideas, and adventures. Because even though it may still be cold outside, and it might be hard to get the old bones moving, it is time to puff-up and get to work. Of course, a bottle full of sugar couldn't hurt... ...or another cup of coffee for that matter.