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 | 8/15/2014 3:20:53 PM
Time to Clean Up the Dining Room
Well I was about to finish up a couple projects and write a couple posts about them, but somewhere between heading to the kitchen for some cereal and spending the rest of the day watching TV and taking pain killers, I broke my toe. You know the one… that little pinky toe that jumps half way off my foot in a kamikaze attempt to destroy whatever is on the dining room floor that shouldn't be.
In this case, half of my tools and one large case of nuts, bolts, and screws that evidently weighs the equivalent of the universe at the exact moment a toe impacts it. So no posts... no projects... and back I go to the couch, some advil, and a fresh ice-block before my toe thaws out again.
No fun at all, but it seems to be the distinct indicator that I need to clean up the mess in the dining room again... because the last time I got all my tools and mess put away was... yep... the last time I broke my toe on it all. Sure wish the world would think up some other way of telling me to clean up my mess.
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8/15/2014 4:37:55 PM Punkin
8/16/2014 9:56:24 PM TinkerT
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Sorry to hear the news. Please stay rooted to the couch with foot in the air.
Are you getting special treatment from the Hubby? Probably so, no doubt.
Be well soon!