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 | 11/14/2014 5:19:38 PM
Deck The Mall Delay
Hubby and I were expecting to go to the "Deck The Mall" this Saturday to sell jams and aprons, but it has been postponed to the 22nd because of bad weather. Hopefully next weekend's weather will be better.
Saturday November 22nd... Located on the Denver 16th Street Mall between Arapahoe to Glenarm
In the mean-time, I have sewed up two more aprons... pink and blue patterned on one side and blue on the other. I am not a very "pink" person, but even I think they are awfully cute.
Hubby and I also made some Cranberry Walnut jam that will be perfect for the holidays, and some more Raspberry Mint jam as well.
POST LINKS FORWARD TO: 11/23/2014 12:18:45 PM - What Craft Fair?
POST LINKS BACK TO: 10/20/2014 4:32:48 PM - Weekend Wrap-Up
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11/15/2014 9:02:25 AM Punkin
11/17/2014 10:29:50 AM TinkerT
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