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 | 11/23/2014 12:18:45 PM
What Craft Fair?
Sadly the question most asked of us on Saturday at the "Deck The Mall" event was "What's this for? Is there some kind of event going on?" Evidently the advertising for the event was more than lacking, and a search of online came up with almost no listings and those that were still listed the event being on the 15th.
So while we were excited to have good weather despite fighting some wind in the early morning and evening, and a good spot on a corner, sales were definitely less than expected for an event we paid pretty highly for a vendor spot.
Three aprons in the morning were encouraging, but we sold no more for the rest of the day... and despite staying until almost 8pm and making constant effort to give away samples and encourage sales (even walking around the area with a plate of samples), we barely sold more jams than at the craft fair in Brighton.
The final thoughts on this event... Despite slightly better sales than the other two events we attended, the higher booth fee and wear-and-tear on both body and spirit made it a less successful day.
We have quite a few more jams left than we expected and plenty of aprons still, so we may look into another event before Christmas, but at this point I am just not sure it is worth the cost and work.
POST LINKS BACK TO: 11/14/2014 5:19:38 PM - Deck The Mall Delay
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11/24/2014 9:44:05 AM TinkerT
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However, I hope to have some photos available of the aprons for sale soon.