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 | 2/23/2016 9:21:29 AM
More Winter
Just when you think the massive winds, then an impossibly warm day on Sunday, means that winter is over...
this happens... 
Snow sprinkled yesterday afternoon and flopped down with a nearly audible "fwoomp!" last night. Up to my knees this morning and still a few flakes falling. It is sadly still too dry and powdery to make a snowman, but there is a lot of time, and a lot of snow, to come over the next two months.
Unfortunately, it means the surprisingly productive aspirations I had in the Sunday sun about working on the patio brick re-laying, pulling out saws and cutting wood for an assortment of projects, and possibly building a pergola, covered porch, or maybe even a sun-room-workshop.... are definitely on hold again. But with everything this beautifully white, I forgive mother nature pretty easily.
POST LINKS BACK TO: 2/18/2016 1:28:34 PM - Wind Warning
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2/23/2016 10:22:45 AM Punkin
2/24/2016 11:13:23 AM WA Mom
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Too warm to hold the white stuff.
I sat on the patio yesterday and looked over the back yard for what needs to be done. Then the snow and I decided to close the shop door and return to my computer.