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7/11/2016 5:10:25 PM

A Whole Lot of Paint and Plans for the Biggest Summer Project Yet

Besides having a nervous breakdown while sitting on a cart in the middle of the Home Depot paint area (because who doesn't have a breakdown when choosing the color of your home for the next 20+ years?), painting the house and shed are actually on the "easy" list for this summer.  And in fact, I would be putting them off until next year, but... all projects seem to require a dozen pre-projects before you can even start on the fun stuff.  Well, if you can count building a 8ft x 14ft shed along the middle of the front of my house as "fun"

While I do think it will be somewhat fun, I am going with half-way between "intimidating" and "impossible".  However, my parents were able to come out for a few days and my dad confirmed that not only is it possible, but that he would be able to come out for about a week and a half in early August to help make it happen.  Mom is going to be in charge of making sure we don't die of sun-stroke and force us to stop and eat occasionally.  So between me and the two of them, the shed is going to happen.

All projects not involving prep for the shed have come to a screeching halt, leaving my little shed trim unpainted and the organization of the "barn" still in a state of complete tornado-meets-hoarder.

Unfortunately, building a shed just isn't quite as easy as it sounds (for anyone who might have thought it would be easy, LOL).  Once the shed is in place, I will not be able to safely put a ladder up to the top of the front of the house to paint, so the front of the house all the way to the 30-ish foot top has to be painted (at least where the shed will go).

Additionally, all the brick patio where the shed will go will have to be pulled up, the sand underneath shoveled up, trenches dug for the skids, and made perfectly level, not to mention ordering all the supplies.  Luckily both dad and mom spotted a few missing materials on my list and I should be pretty close to having a fully complete list to order from the local lumber store. (While they cost a bit more on everything than the bigger box stores, they should deliver to the top of my driveway instead of at the street, like HD did with a 500lb sliding glass door.) 

All this has to happen before early August, so I am in quite a tizzy to get it all done.  As per usual, some things are going quickly and other things a million times slower than I hoped.  For example… while I was able to get the large soffit (area under the roof at the over-hang) mostly done in one day, I barely got the runners along the soffit painted the next day with wind picking up uncomfortably.  Wind blowing while I am at the top of a very tall ladder definitely goes on my list of things I am not fond of.  And since it was so windy today I thought I would start on the lower portion that needs paint where the shed will go and stay off the super tall ladder in the wind.  Except I forgot that several things would need moved… including completely unloading the big fire-wood lean-to and completely dismantling it to take it over to the barn.  Also sweeping up the area, hammering slightly loose nails, and scraping a few damaged paint areas.


 So about 1:45, I was already exhausted, dizzy-hot in the direct sun, and I had not even started with the actual paint.  I started again around 3pm and made progress, but had to fight the sun and thickening paint so didn't get much done in a couple hours.  Finally around 6pm the sun was not so darn sunny and I was able to get a good portion painted and prepped for finishing with a mini-roller.  Unlike the shed who's boards were around 10 to 12 inches wide and easiest to edge with a brush and then roll with a mini-roller... the house boards are only about 4 to 5 inches wide and it seems to be a toss-up as to if it is faster to just brush it all, or trim with the brush and then mini-roll.  

All I know is that despite saving a ton of money and knowing that the job is done right (instead of terribly wrong like most of the hired-out work I have experienced), I am seriously thinking when we eventually need to paint again... I will be leaning heavily towards just hiring someone and having a half-assed job.  At least it won't be my whole ass broken and bruised.  LOL
The big question is... What is this shed pressed snugly up to the house going to be?

Well, if you can't tell by the picture, it is going to be a ....dramatic drum-roll..... mini-workshop!

Hubby and I decided to dedicate any good amount of extra money towards paying off the house instead of saving for a giant garage/workshop right now.  So having a mini-shop in the mean-time will give me at least a place to put some tools and hopefully a little space for winter projects.  It won't fit my larger saws and such, but at least it should clear a little space from the dining/kitchen area where my tools and project piles have been multiplying like rabid bunnies.

It will have an entry right from the house where the firewood used to sit and extend just to the edge of the sliding glass door to the office.  This way it won't block any of the view I normally enjoy from the house.  And while it will take up a large portion of the patio, that area was almost always taken up by junk from projects and a couple make-shift benches for cutting and working on wood projects.  So the big change is that the area will have a roof and walls and I won't have to drag all my saws in the house or get terribly sun-burnt working there.

So while I may try to get a post or two made of the progress, it is very likely that I will be quiet for a couple months.  Well... maybe not quiet.  I already assured dad that there will be some screaming and possibly a little cursing, too.  A project of this size can't be done without a few total loss-of-my-sanity moments.

Everyone keep your fingers crossed that it all goes entirely smoother than I expect it to.  Er... and picture the scene I just came in from... one humming bird desperately hiding by using me as a human shield from the King-of-the-feeder.  Both darting around me in mortal combat while I balance on the top of my A-frame ladder trying to paint between windows by the humming bird feeder.  Yeah... maybe keep your fingers crossed about that, too.

          7/15/2016 1:31:01 PM - Painting Progress

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7/12/2016 7:39:59 PM Crash
wow you are so industrious. I can't even make myself paint the kitchen.

7/12/2016 7:40:29 PM TinkerT
Not entirely sure if it is industrious or just a lack of intelligence.  Either way, it sure results in a whole lot of tired.  LOL

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