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12/1/2016 11:24:39 AM

Under Pressure

While the icy cold weather has seen me mostly soaking up the sun in the loft or stealing the cat's place in front of the fire, I also had a great Thanksgiving at my sister's house and had a few days with my husband home.  Included was a little online shopping (or a lot) and doing just a couple house repairs that needed hubby around in case I got stuck in a tiny hole in the ceiling above the master bathtub.  (Yeah... that is another story.)

In any case, since we decided that an induction stove/oven is not in the works for this year, an electric pressure-cooker would be the next best thing.

I have to admit though, I am a bit disappointed that, despite what I thought, not EVERY cut of meat will just fall completely apart when pressure-cooked.  Mind you, it did make a pork loin into one of the most moist and juicy roasts I have had.  But it didn't just fall into tiny pieces like I thought.  Too lean of a cut.

So, the right cut of meat will still need to be purchased for complete "fall-apart-ness".  In any case, I sure am excited to try out pinto-beans and ham-bone.... just gotta eat up some leftovers before I get onto that.

Electric Pressure Cooker - Pork Loin

I cut about a 12 inch loin into three pieces and placed them directly into the cooking pot.  Then seasoned them pretty heavily on all sides with a "Spain - Meat" seasoning... though pretty much any strong seasoning would surly work.  Put a pat of butter onto each, and poured a cup of water around the sides into the bottom of the pot.  (liquid is a must for the pressure cooker to build steam pressure)

I had to quick-release pressure twice to check the meat temp, but now I know that 14-20 minutes on "high" with a slow pressure release would be just right.  (14min for sea-level and 20min for very high altitude)

Note:  The pressure takes a few minutes to build up, so the cooking time does not start until full pressure is achieved.  Also, I have no idea if the cooking times would be the same in a stove-top cooker.


Nice and juicy "roast" but not "fall-apart-ness"...


Saved some leftovers with juice for tomorrow and some in a freezer bag with more juice for bean-making-stock.


          1/11/2017 10:36:11 AM - Winter Update and Cooking

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12/1/2016 1:12:58 PM Punkin
I have to admire your jump right in and use a pressure cooker.
I also know that over the years sense the late 50's and early 60"s there has been much improvement  in the steam filled cookers. The chances are almost nil that one would dare blow-up as in the past. But somehow I can still see blackberry jam all over the kitchen especially the ceiling.
Purple was not in fashion back then LOL
Seriously does yours take up a lot of space? and is the cord long enough that I could set it out on the patio to cook?
Maybe I should stick with a slow cooker for now.
Glad you had hubby home for Thanksgiving.

12/1/2016 1:25:48 PM TinkerT
LOL… yeah… I am very reluctant to use my old-style pressure cooker because my aunt blew up beans more than once and the jiggle top on mine came off and freaked me out once, too.  Pinto-bean-ceiling isn’t really the right color, either.

The cord on mine is very short and I needed an extension to put it on the kitchen island.  Size is right at 14 inches wide by 13 tall… so not bad, but too big if you didn’t use it much.

12/5/2016 11:23:25 AM Crash
you need to cook the roasts in a crock pot. i guarantee you they will fall apart, pork, beef, etc. I did a cheap cut  beef roast in crock pot, with a package of ranch dressing mix, and a package of onion soup mix sprinkled over it and then 3 or 4 peperocini peppers on it. Came out fabulous, and my husband doesn't even like roast. I did put a tiny bit of water in bottom, but not much. Then used it for hot roast beef sandwiches and French dip, all good.

12/5/2016 11:24:06 AM TinkerT
Thanks!  However I am still thinking the cut of meat is going to have a lot of effect.  I cooked a huge loin in the crockpot when mom and dad were here and it was the driest toughest meat ever.  One little end of the loin with the fatback and good meat was tender and the rest of the super long loin just came out terrible.  Of course... maybe it didn't cook long enough to get tender, so I am going to try loin one more time (because it is one of the cheapest cuts I can get) and cook it forever, but if it doesn't go well after that, I am just going to give up and find fattier cuts.

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