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5/13/2017 11:06:02 AM

Widen a path or walkway

When we were originally planning for the curved walkway, I think hubby and I planned a full 3 ft wide.  However, along with forgetting how I wanted to do the light imprint of the "stones", by the time we got around to it, pretty much everything was forgotten and all the test steps and careful planning basically went to waste.  What is was supposed to look like was this:  (but more brown-ish and without the black splatters)

-  Notice the light imprint of "stones" that could be easily swept clean.

But in the heat of the moment with cement quickly hardening, I forgot how we wanted to do it and it turned out like this:  

-  Notice the deep individual "stones" on top of a paddy of solid concrete.  Not how I intended it and a pain to keep the deep cuts cleaned out.  (I will try adding a special solidifying sand to the cracks later sometime.)

Also the walkway ended up only around 32-ish inches wide.  Seemed fine until we started hauling wood in the big wagon and the curve often caused the wheels to go off path several inches.

So if you have a walkway and it is too small... there is an easy (well easy-ish) way to fix it.  Scrape out the sides and add bricks level with the walkway.  

This will boost my walkway to around 38 to 42 inches and be much easier to move the cart around on.

I put this off last year because I didn't think I had enough of these tan bricks and didn't like the color of the other bricks I have on hand, but I realized later that I had eight more as border bricks around the septic covers, so I could pull them up and replace them with some gray bricks.

With enough bricks on hand and Saturday being my official "work outside" day, I got busy this morning and got the inner curve complete.

It will need a little filler with concrete in a few spots, but that will be better fixed after getting the other side done, too.

I may try to get back out there and do the other side this afternoon since the weather is so nice for the first time all week.

UPDATE:  Got the other side done just as the heat was kicking in.  Glad to have it done, but definitely ready for a break now.


          6/9/2017 11:54:17 AM - Landscaping
          9/2/2015 2:14:26 PM - I am Done.

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5/13/2017 1:20:45 PM WA Mom
I personally like the look of the deeper cuts. It is much more architecturally interesting of a look. Invest in a blower and clean up will be a snap. Looking good on your ole homestead.

5/13/2017 1:21:15 PM TinkerT

Unfortunately, the pine needles get wedged in there tight and will have to be picked out with something.  Hopefully the solidifying sand will keep the individual stone look while turning solid and keeping weeds from growing and debris from getting caught in the cracks.  Not sure if they have different colors, but will check into it.

5/13/2017 4:48:41 PM Punkin
This is beautiful. I know you are pleased as punch at the outcome.I love the mixture of colored stones and bricks.
Once more I am so envious of your wonderful talent.

5/13/2017 4:57:25 PM Punkin
Forgot to tell you a fried and her dad built a base for a green house and they wanted to make sure that there would be drainage as there would be a lot of water. They used regular red brick 12 x 12 stones and once they places they filled in around with playground sand. It worked great as the sand helped to keep it drained. I am sure you have thought of this but sense it worked so well and I remembered I thought I would mention it What made me think about it was the bricks on both sides that helped hold the sand from washing away.

5/14/2017 9:33:58 AM TinkerT
I think it would probably work better that way inside something.  Sadly, the bricks of the patio used to have sand between them and ended up with a lot of grass and weeds trying to grow between them all the time.  This is a little reduced by putting the bricks as tight together as possible, but still happens some.  To compensate for drainage though I am mostly just trying to keep everything slightly angled away from the house to move water into the grass anyway.  

5/14/2017 9:34:23 AM Crash
how pretty, you did a fantastic job

5/14/2017 9:35:20 AM TinkerT
Thanks!  Eventually the yard might start looking like "I meant to do that". 

5/14/2017 11:47:43 AM Punkin
Sorry didn't think about the weeds growing up through the sand. I should have thought about even when we put down plastic under my walk way there were weeds still growing through the plastic.
Your work is so just right.

5/14/2017 11:48:14 AM TinkerT
LOL… I only thought of it cause it was already happening, and now I realize I should have left small gaps and poured in this special solidifying sand in-between since the weeds are still trying to grow in the tiny cracks between bricks.  But…. Don’t think there is any way I will be re-doing all that work  on the patio now.  The big question is… do I go forward with the rest of the patio the same way so it looks the same, or do it “right”?  Just don’t know at this point.

5/14/2017 1:17:17 PM Punkin
I can't help but believe that with weed spray and time for the ground to get as hard as bricks under your walk that the weeds will give up and stop growing.  I have been spraying weed around my garden boxes and finally I am getting fewer and fewer weeds. Now of course  I almost didn't write my words down for fear the weeds could here my words and start growing out of spite LOL
Maybe if you can live with yourself then finish as you have now started LOL

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