My head feels like someone filled it with expanding foam and let it harden. Yeah. Not so nice.
I caught some kind of terrible sinus infection from the jerk behind me on the plane ride back from China. He was coughing up a lung the whole way and never covering his mouth at all. Had I not taken some strong valium to stay calm and sleep, I think I would have jumped right out of the plane somewhere over Alaska.
I am taking some antibiotics to try to keep it from turning into a terrible upper respiratory issue, but between the headache, sinus pressure, and a just-on-the-edge-of-terrible sore throat, I am... well... struggling. It isn't quite so bad that I can justify laying in bed all day, but just bad enough that I can't quite seem to get anything done when I do get out of bed.
Between that and still being half-way on Thailand time (almost 12 hours opposite from here), I am definitely not at the top of my game.
I am very thankful the icklies didn't get me during the trip... I don't think I could have made it through the heat and fast pace this way. But feeling like I do sure makes me wish I was back here:
In the mean time, I have been trying to figure out how best to tell the stories of my recent travels.
When hubby and I went to Alaska, I made dvd discs filled with pictures set to music and it covered the trip and the story pretty completely. However, my first trip out of the country to Colombia is really a lot less about the pictures and a lot more about the stories I collected there. And with my memory seeming to suffer more and more over the last few years, I fear some pictures and music just won't convey those stories... not just to friends and family, but even to myself many years from now. And while the trip to Thailand and China can be mostly conveyed in pictures and videos, there are stories there too that need to be told.
So I am a little at a loss. My best guess would be to write down the stories to get them in the most clear and correct manner... maybe into a book filled with pictures, but it would lose all the videos and feelings that music can give. So I initially figured out that I should somehow tell my stories in video. But telling a story to a video camera just doesn't seem in any way natural. And of course I am very self-conscious about being in pictures and video. So I have been using every excuse possible to put that off.
Maybe I need to write the stories and have a professional narrator read them to lay over videos. LOL
In the mean time I am making some forward progress (when not laying in bed feeling terrible). I have at least started the process of combining pictures from multiple cameras and renaming them by date and time into folders based on the dates. Then comes the arduous process of rotating and editing any photos that need it, getting rid of hundreds of duplicates (since I always try to take two or more of any photo since one always comes out better than the others).
Lets just say... it will be a little while before I have anything good to show from all that. I will try to send a pic or three when I can and maybe a story or two if I ever figure out how to record them.