A2 Hosting still has not fixed the Database after their servers failed AGAIN. A2 Hosting is the WORST!
Because of this, new posts are currently missing and I can only HOPE they eventually recover the table they didn't restore after their latest failure.

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Hamper6/10/2014 11:39:12 AM

Speedy Recovery

Hamper was doing well enough over the weekend for hubby and I to take a quick trip to town, and I broke down camp in the dining room yesterday.

I put his beds in his favorite places to sleep and also used some vinyl with towels on top for a half-dozen other places that he might need to rest... like near his food and water.  The vinyl will protect the floor from any potential kitty accidents (though he has not had any since that first day after his stroke), and the towels are much easier for him to stand or lay on than the slick tile floor.

I even slept in my own bed last night, though I found myself getting up to check on every little noise the kitties made.

Hamper is probably about 80 to 90% recovered.  He still has trouble when he tries to get up on the couch or bed... another reason for the make-shift beds all over the house.  However, I think he will make a full recovery within the coming week.

In the mean time, I have kept my wrist in the brace for the majority of the week, and it too seems to be making a good recovery. Not nearly as fast as Hamper's, but I hope I will be back to getting some projects done around here soon.

Thank you all again for all the well wishes and emails!

          1/14/2015 4:35:16 PM - Old and Grumpy... I mean the Cat.
          6/5/2014 2:51:30 PM - A Furry Update

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6/10/2014 7:30:25 PM Punkin
Oh! how wonderful. This is the bestest news!! and so glad to hear the recovery is well on it's way.
I know Hamper is one very fortunate kitty to have such a great mom. Love to all!

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